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Lions Win the Haddy Cup!

In the now annual competition between the Haddonfield Lions club and the Haddonfield Rotary Club this year the Lions walked away with the Trophy! Its was a ridiculously tight match with the winning team sneaking by with only one correct answer over the second place team. In the end the A-DAWGS from Lions by gambling it all on the final question were the champions.

Our Emcee for the evening was the one and only Jack Tarditi. He was his normal gregarious self throwing out hysterical barbs as the players hemmed and hawed over the answers. He even asked a few members if they didn't go to school with our towns namesake Elizabeth Haddon!! It truly was a fun night. Adam Puff of the Lions and Kathy Ross of Rotary ran around frantically trying to keep up with Jack and to keep all the players in line. Over all everyone agreed the night was a huge success even raising over $200 for Charity. Until next year.....who will win?!

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